Problems And Their Solutions :
If you are
facing any kind of problems or difficulties in your life and you have wasted
your precious time with so called spiritual healeys who have promised you
everything and have failed in fulfilling your wishes then try our services. you
won't be disappointed and your wishes will come true. Listed below and on
further pages are some of the problems we specialize in :
1. Are
you facing domestic problems of husband and wives, is your husband not paying
attention, or involved with any other women?
Inshallah my
prayers will put your partner on the right path.
2. Do
you love some one and they have left you for any unknown reasons, and you want
them back into your life immediately?
Try my special
spiritual prayers for re-uniting, parted loved ones. Your loved one (GirlFriend/Boyfriend
or Husband/Wife), no matter how stubborn or cold hearted they are, will come
back into yours life in a few days. We specialize in re-uniting loved ones and
securing your relationships.
3. Do
you want a marriage of your own choice to the one you like?
We can pray for
you, so if any body meaning your parents or family are against your wishes will
agree with your choice happily.
4. Are
your children disobedient or left home?
5. Are
you facing any kind of business worries or financial problems?
6. Is your life effected by any kind of illness?
7. Is
your life affected by any kind of black magic or evil spirits or kala jadu?
We specialize in breaking any kind of black magic
Also contact me for any problem .SHAH
Chief Moallim Hazrat Khwaja
Syed Moinuddin Hasan Chishty(R.A.)
Shah Syed
Shah Nawaz Chishty
s/o HAJI Peer Syed Hasan Chishty